Boating is one of the summer’s most popular activities in Colorado – but a single boating accident can ruin the entire summer for you, your friends and your loved ones. Play it safe by practicing these top safety tips from the U.S. Coast Guard:
Check the weather before heading out. Look at the local forecast as part of planning your trip. If you notice darkening clouds, rough or changing winds, or a sudden drop in temperature while on the water, head for the dock.
- Use a pre-departure checklist to make sure your boat is shipshape and no safety measures or equipment have been overlooked.
- Boat defensively. Just as you drive so as to avoid getting hit, boat in the same way. Steer a wide course around bigger craft that cannot stop or turn as easily, and pay attention to all buoys and other navigational aids.
- File a float plan. Make sure someone else knows where you’re going and how long you plan to be on the water. Local marinas and Coast Guard stations make it easy for boaters to file float plans – or you can inform a responsible friend or family member.
- Leave the alcohol on shore. The risk of a boating accident doubles when one or more of the people involved have been drinking. Save your alcohol for when you’re safely back on shore.
If you’re injured in a boating or other recreational accident this summer, the experienced Colorado boat accident lawyers at The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. can help you protect your legal rights. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.